September 2019
Kata Course
This is a course for red, blue, purple/white stripe and purple belts.
Find out more »October 2019
Ninja Camp, ages 5-12
Suitable for beginners and more experienced students. We are delighted to be hosting another Spooktacular Ninja camp during half-term. Amongst the spooky fun, we will also be practising for our next gradings in December. For those not ready to grade, you can practise moves already learnt and learn a few more! (VINE HALL STUDENTS – You will achieve 4 extra stamps in your syllabus book for attending this session) £25.00 per ticket for early birds, £30.00 on the day. What…
Find out more »November 2019
Kata Course
This is a course for red, blue, purple/white stripe and purple belts.
Find out more »December 2019
Christmas Grading
This grading is for beginners up to brown and white stripe belts. Registration is at 12.20pm. Grading will start at 12.20pm.
Find out more »Christmas Grading
This grading is for red belts up to orange belts. Registration is at 1.15pm. Grading will start at 1.30pm.
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